Improved Rekey flow
  • Completed support for rekeying accounts.
    Users will now be able to rekey all of their regular and ledger accounts to another regular or ledger one. Rekeying chains, such as rekeying to a rekeyed account, are prevented.
  • Update auth account and reverse rekey for all rekeyed accounts.
    Users will now able to update the auth account of their rekeyed accounts by tapping on either
    Rekey to Standard Account
    Rekey to Ledger Account
    . If the user rekeys to the account itself, this results in reversing the rekey operation.
Note: in some edge-cases, users might be required to re-add their accounts after rekeying via the proper onboarding flow (i.e. passphrase import/pairing with Ledger).
Improved Swap flow
  • Updates to Price Impact logic.
    To protect users from loss of funds due to large price impact, price impact of 15% or higher will now automatically prevent users from proceeding with the swap.
  • Extensive support for conversion to user’s selected currency.
    Users will now be able to see the value of the amounts to be swapped in every supported currency, including ALGO.
  • Enhanced experience among different swap sessions.
    The wallet will now automatically save and/or update data, such as Slippage Tolerance values, between swap sessions. Handling of failed swaps and retry logic have also been improved as a result.
  • Better UX for flipping asset pair.
    More specifically, the release fixes some of the issues users were experiencing for asset pairs with: no associated liquidity pools, different decimal counts. Additionally, the wallet now prevents flipping assets in the following cases: unverified/suspicious input assets, 0 balance output assets.